
''曖昧''的英文怎麼說呢? 是指男女關係間的曖昧 -----


“The expression hanky-panky has more than one meaning, generally used to mean any number of activities of which the speaker does not approve, as in "I think there was some hanky-panky with the last election." or "The kids were up to some hanky-panky just now, but they had innocent looks on their faces when I looked in on them." The expression may often connote sexual behavior;" (用於表示說者不表贊同的行為,如"我看上回的選舉有人搞鬼”或"那些男孩剛剛暗搞把戲,可是我註意他們的時候,又擺出一副無辜樣",此字亦常用來暗示性行為)


hanky-panky (hăng’kē-păng’kē)

n. Slang.

1. Devious or mischievous activity.

2. Illicit sexual activity.(偷腥)(


There seems to be some hanky-panky between them two.

Do you smell a likely hanky-panky between them?

至於”there is (seems to be) something between them”,其實其意思相當廣,底下就是網站上到的例子;要用來說男女關係間的曖昧,得有前後文清楚界定:(後續)

2007-10-12 15:12:22 補充:

1.母子間的疙瘩:He had a dislocated shoulder, and the second day acute bronchitis set in. His mother was pale as death now, and very thin. She would sit and look at him, then away into space. There was something between them that neither dared mention.

2007-10-12 15:13:01 補充:

2.情人間的情愫:Emma Crackenthorpe lives at Rutherford Hall caring for her sick father, but it is her single status that leaves her a very sad figure. She is very much a spinster-like individual, but she has a quiet hope that one day she may marry Dr Quimper, who has loved her for the past 12 years.

2007-10-12 15:13:07 補充:

The family all know there is something between them, but nobody takes it terribly seriously because everyone assumes Emma will stay with Luther until he dies.

2007-10-12 15:13:21 補充:

3. 兩人間的有形無形距離:She stood up, but stayed by the window. There was something between them; not an awkwardness, exactly, but the physical space separating them as they stood at either end of the common room seemed to symbolise the space and time that had divided them for almost a year.

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